If you have ever applied for a loan or mortgage, you know one of the first things the lender looks at is your credit score. Although, it is important to maintain a high credit score, it is just as important to have good credit habits. Good credit habits not only include your payment history, but also your savings patterns and employment stability.
The following is a list of credit do's and don'ts. If you follow these suggestions and incorporate them into your daily credit routine, they will help you maintain a high credit score and avoid credit issues.
• Review Credit Report - Request a free copy of your credit report annually from annualcreditreport.com. Once you have received your credit report, review it for any inaccuracies and then dispute anything you find on your report that is not accurate with all three credit bureaus (Trans Union, Equifax, and Experience).
• Credit Cards - Try to limit the number of credit cards you have open, and make sure the payments are manageable according to your finances. Although, to maintain a high credit score you should have at least one revolving account. You should also try to maximize your credit scores by keeping your balances below 30% of their respective available limits. Avoid closing credit cards that have historically been paid on time. If you close an account that had a good payment history, you will be eliminating it from your credit score calculation.
• Bills and Obligations - Make sure you pay all of your bills on time, this includes: credit cards, rent or mortgage, loans, utilities, and other monthly obligations. Even though, some of these bills are not reported to your credit report by the creditor, they will still impact your overall financial well-being.
• Create a Savings Plan - If your employer offers a 401(k) plan, it is a great tax-free tool to save for the future. It is also a good idea to create a savings plan that you fund per pay period. If you deposit $25 per pay (assuming you are paid semi-monthly), this will equate to $600 annually. If you make savings a routine, it will benefit you greatly in the future.
• Employment Stability - The fastest way to derail your credit history is the threat of unstable income and constant job change. If you cannot count on your paycheck, your ability to make your regular monthly payments will be extremely challenging.
If you are trying to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy or foreclosure or have had very little to no credit in your past, a good way to start building your credit would be as an authorized user on one of your friends or relatives credit cards, or by opening a secure credit card from a local bank. A secure credit card typically requires a deposit of $300 to $500 to open, but is sometimes the only way to start to establish credit. If you have had late payments in the past, but it is not due to your financial ability to pay, you may want to set up automatic payments for your monthly obligations. This will ensure that they are paid on time and in the long run, this arrangement will have a positive impact on your credit scores.
There are many advantages of owing a fiberglass swimming pool over the traditional swimming pool. When having this type of pool installed it can take days where a traditional pool can take weeks. Installing a fiberglass pool you will excavate the site and then dig it out. Once this is done, the pool can be placed inside the hole, which is a one-piece shell. They are manufactured from fiberglass and coated with a gel that is similar to the gel used on pool slides and boats. A drawback with owning a this type pool is that they are more expensive than a traditional pool but they do come in a variety of shapes, tile patterns, and sizes.
Traditional swimming pool maintenance frequently requires the services of a professional but with a fiberglass pool there is virtually no maintenance needed. These types of pools are also made from strong composite materials, which makes them able to withstand drastic changes in the temperature. They also do not need to be relined or resurfaced. If you get a hairline fracture in the bottom of this pool it rarely irrevocably damages the pool structure.
Traditional swimming pools are normally made of plaster or concrete, which can affect the pH level of the water but with a fiberglass pool that level is never affected. Because the pH level is never affected it is not necessary to apply so many chemicals to the water. The water also does not need as much circulation since there are not that many chemicals in the water. When there is a decrease in water circulation the pool pump is not working that hard so the utility bills are not as high.
With traditional pools they will often absorb algae and make cleaning the pool difficult but a swimming pool made of fiberglass does not absorb algae. When there are algae present all you will need to do is use a broom or some other tool to direct the algae toward the main drain of the pool. It is easy to clean any rings left by sunscreen or body oil or dirt from a fiberglass pool. You just clean it as you would your bathtub by using a simple cleanser on a soft cloth or sponge to wipe them away.
Although there are more advantages than disadvantages with owning a fiberglass swimming pool, one big disadvantage is that water must remain in the pool at all times. If it needs drained and is not done correctly it could cause the structure to crack or buckle because of the pressure from the ground. If it needs drained you should contact the pool installer to do it or get the directions on how to correctly do it yourself.
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Advantages of Fiberglass Pools
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Advantages of Fiberglass Pools
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