Visual balance is essential in interior design since, without it, any style simply would not work. Having a correct knowledge and set of skills to create balance is crucial when dealing with details that are tough to change. This aspect is also important when you are trying to understand rhythm and continuity in your habitat.
It becomes important to understand your choice of items that can add some level of interest to your interiors. In doing so, make sure that other design elements are not isolated from the whole look. It is your goal to create a scheme which is pleasant on all levels.
Logic in Design
Pattern is also needful in achieving aesthetic balance; this is the repeated decorative design everywhere else in your home, from the carpet to the wallpaper. Repeated pattern must follow a logical order while random pattern asks for a combination of colors and shape.
The perfect use of pattern in interior design is when it suggest a certain style or period. Large scale patterns are normally kept within huge areas while the smaller ones are kept in more compact spaces.
The fusion of patterns is important so that the design does not become overpowering. The display of objects or photos that have a prominent feature is the best ammunition that you can have for any plain background.
Textured surfaces can also create visual interest through the suggestion of styles and moods. An example is when a velvet fabric offers an air of richness and luxury whereas cotton evokes simplicity and a casual atmosphere.
Leather chairs are often used in formal settings which corduroy fabric evokes a much more relaxed and inviting feeling. Your final fabric choice depends greatly on the mood that you would want to evoke and the general atmosphere that you are trying to achieve.
What Is Formal Balance?
You may be better able to define formal balance if it is referred to as symmetrical balance. This is the easiest way to realize balance in your home since the design elements are simply repeated on each side. An example is when you place two similar side tables on the left and right side of your bed. Matching these tables with decorative table lamps should complete the symmetrical look.
Defining Informal Balance
Also known as asymmetrical balance, informal balance is all about oddities. Here, colors, lines, textures and forms vary yet they achieve a certain level of beauty that may be hard to create but can be visually enticing when correctly executed.
An example of a dynamic design in informal balance is the use of a floor lamp right across the table lamp that is place atop a side table.
Radial Balance
Try to find a focal point in the middle of all those design elements - this is radial balance. A common example of radial balance is that dining table which is surrounded with chairs. Having the same chair all around it is a repetition of color, texture and form.
Radial balance is a safe tool to use in interior design.
When designing an interior, it is common for people to look for similar textures. Yet knowing visual balance should give you freedom in pairing even the most unlikely features. Putting together contrasting textures can actually excite the senses in a scheme that is far from boring.
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Visual Balance And Its Varied, Charming Effects
Friday, June 5, 2015
Visual Balance And Its Varied, Charming Effects
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