Wednesday, March 21, 2018

These Are The Best Bedroom Plants That Can Actually Help You Sleep Better

Whether you struggle with restless nights or have no trouble sleeping, a serene atmosphere in your bedroom is always beneficial. Adding plants to your bedroom is one of the easiest ways to give your sleep palace a pick-me-up. Not only will they add natural beauty to your home, but if you know the best bedroom plants, you just might get better quality sleep.

Perhaps you’ve already placed plants on your desk to brighten up your workplace, and maybe you have some fresh herbs in your kitchen. Naturally, it’s now time to bring the beauty of the great outdoors into your bedroom as a way to help improve your nights (and mornings).

But opinions vary on how beneficial plants in your sleep space are. For instance, Feng Shui Nexus notes that plants in the bedroom are counterintuitive to feng shui because they produce energy. But even with that in mind, it seems like the pros outweigh the cons — and you may want that peaceful energy the plants give off. Plus, the UK’s Daily Mail reported that research from NASA and the American College found that plants in bedrooms can reduce stress and improve air quality.

Using the research from the NASA Clean Air Study and other studies, the mattress company Drömma came up with a list of the 15 best plants to have in your bedroom to help improve sleep. We’ve selected some of our favorites to inspire a green update to your bedroom decor.

Passion flower

If you want a more unique-looking flower in your indoor space, consider the passion flower. Place this plant by a sunlit window and enjoy the anti-anxiety benefits.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera can improve the quality of air in your room by removing benzene and formaldehyde from the air. Bonus features of aloe are that this succulent is ridiculously easy to care for and you can use the leaves as a natural way to treat burns.

Peace lily

Another easy-to-care-for plant that also removes benzene from the air — as well as breaks down formaldehyde and carbon monoxide — is the peace lily. And with its flowers, it offers simple beauty to your space.

Bamboo palm

If you have high ceilings, consider this other NASA-approved plant — the bamboo palm. While it can grow up to 12 feet tall, it also removes benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air. And it’s a natural humidifier if you find your air is too dry for you.


If scents bother you, this isn’t the plant for you. But if you love the smell of jasmine, Drömma wrote that a study has found that inhaling the scent can lead you to move less in your sleep.

Spider plant

This easy-to-grow plant can be potted or hung from your ceiling, since its leaves grow long. Along with it being the most effective plant in removing formaldehyde from the air, according to the NASA Clean Air Study, it also removes the chemical xylene which is said to cause headaches.


You know chamomile tea is soothing, so why not bring those properties to your bedside with a chamomile plant? It can also induce sleep and will cheer you up with its bright yellow center and white petals.

With the addition of some of these plants in your bedroom, you may never want to leave your bed, so happy sleeping! And after you green up your bedroom, you might take your living space to the next level by adding plants to your shower.