Thursday, August 6, 2015

Stone Polishing - Six Secrets to Achieving the Most Attractive Polished Stone Tiles

To gain an insight into the world of stone cleaning and stone restoration is a brilliant chance to gain knowledge that will offer benefit for any individual. The stone polishing process is an exceptional provision that allows dull, worn and damaged stone floors the opportunity to be restored to a shiny finish to be proud of.

The below information works to gain a true understanding of the revolutionary stone polishing process and the way in which it can transform stone floors to an incredible finish. Being equipped with this detail will leave you in a strong and well-informed position to locate the finest professional to restore your beautiful floor.

Secret one discusses the fact that it is important to remember that each individual job will offer varying challenges that need to be addressed in the appropriate manner. Local professionals will be equipped to tailor the process to ensure optimum results.

Secret two goes into detail about the preparation required. All wax and topical coatings need to be removed. Specialised product formulations are used with machinery that agitates the solution. The residue is removed by a rinsing process. It is important at this point not to allow the residue to dry onto the stone tiles. The stone type and surface coatings will dictate whether a stripping product or an intensive cleaning product is used for this stage. This step removes both coatings and soiling to the tiles.

Secret three discusses grinding of the stone tiles. If the floor tiles are particularly scratched they will need to be Diamond Ground with specialist equipment. This process strips back the existing surface of the stone. It removes any remaining coatings, delamination and other surface issues that have occurred over time. This step is not necessarily required if the tiles are not particularly scratched or damaged.

Secret four considers the process of polishing. This is offered to further grind the stone with diamond grinders and produces a smooth and reflective finish. This is where experiences pays dividends as the level to which this is completed depends on the finish that individual client's request. This can range up to a glass-like finish for particular stone types.

Secret five outlines the requirement for impregnating and sealing. An impregnator or sealer should be identified based on the requirement of any individual stone floor. The applications should be put on in light even coats and left to dry in between each one. A high-quality penetrating impregnator should last between two to three years before re-application.

Secret six goes into the maintenance required to sustain the newly polished look of your tiles. Specific stone soaps are available to purchase that can be applied in different ways. All of the area should be covered and dried by a buffing pad or cloth. These stone soaps work to clean the tiles and grout and to maintain their seal between more in-depth deep cleans.

It is important that you find the best-available local specialist to complete the stone restoration and stone polishing process. The inevitable outcome will be a superior cleaned floor that will look great for longer. You will be left with further detailed information on how best to upkeep your floor and a trade expert will give you specific details of cleaning products and techniques. This, combined with the above information, will leave you well-informed and in a confident position to find the best-available specialist.