Friday, August 7, 2015

Is High-End DIY Decorating A New Trend?

Tradition suggests that when you have graduated college and are setting up house for the first time (married or single) that hand-me-down-furniture and DIY projects are considered the norm. But then tradition did not anticipate the explosive growth of the Internet, the financial losses attributed to the Great Recession or the fact that for many young people the idea of a first home or apartment has been pushed back a few years while they live with Mom and Dad and save as much money as possible.

Every industry is seeing the DIY wave touch its shores. Fashion? Check. Legal? Check. Auto Care? Check. Art? Check. Photography and Videography? Check. Even medicine has seen the growth of sites like WebMD.

Each year millions of increasingly informed consumers look for ways to involve themselves in their life and financial choices like never before. And the results of their increased involvement are causing industries to sit up and take notice.

How industries respond to these changing times will determine their long-term viability not to mention relevance. Will they be around in 20 years? The answer to that question lies in how successful they are at addressing the real issues faced by their client base and how they deliver real answers.

The Interior Design industry seems to have focused greatly on media for its response; print magazines, online publications, television and web-based series all tout the DIY label but most simply stir the same pot of "helping-hands-at-home" type projects and never get to what I believe hard-core decorating do-it-yourself-ers really want to know.

So what do these determined individuals really want?

I believe what they are looking for is someone to break it all down; to spill the beans and share the real secrets behind real Million Dollar Decorating.

What tools, tricks, skills and resources do big-name designers, who month after month fill glossy magazines with room after room of traffic stopping, jaw-dropping beautiful rooms, use? What steps do they take, what details do they labor over, what calculations do they use that gives them the results we all love to look at and which people increasingly want in their homes?

Maybe it's time someone pulled back the curtain and shared with today's discerning and aspirational homeowner a step-by-step guide to designing and decorating a home of their dreams. Maybe it's time someone gave sincere individuals the basic tools they need to decorate their own home.