Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How To Change the Look of a Room Cheaply and Easily

Changing the look and feel of your room does not have to be expensive. More often than not, you can create a significant improvement to your room’s overall appeal using very little or even no money at all. The following article will help you brainstorm ways of changing the look of your room cheaply and easily. While the tips are by no means exhaustive or complete, the ideas should help switch your creativity into high gear. Read on and get some useful ideas on changing your room on a shoestring budget.

If your room has accumulated a considerable amount of clutter and junk, you may want to consider just clearing out all the things and keeping them in a closet or in the garage while you change your room. This allows you to clear up your mind and to look at your room as if for the first time. Another benefit of doing this is that it exposes parts of the room that may be in need of repair; you should take note of cracked walls and floorboards.

One of the easiest ways to make a drastic change in your room is by repainting it. If your walls are covered in neutral-colored paint, you can paint all kinds of patterns on them. What you can do is take home some sample cards and then keep them in hand while looking at your walls. Imagine how your walls would look like if they had different colors. Just remember when you use sample cards that when the paint dries, it will appear to be darker than the color on the sample card. Some people to keep their walls a fairly neutral color, so that they can use fabrics and pillows to provide the accents; but in the end it’s really up to you.

You can add different fabrics to your room. Aside from being pretty inexpensive, fabrics are easy to move around so you can take your time experimenting, and you can always make more changes later. For example, if you know how to sew, you can use slipcovers to make an impact. You can use pillows of various colors and designs. Cheap materials are readily available in stores like Target. You can also take advantage of garage sales if there are any in your neighborhood.

On your floor, you can use rugs or floor tiles. You can use the peel-and-stick tiles and inexpensive throw rugs if you like that sort of style. Floor tiles come in practically unlimited variations of color and texture; you can spend an entire afternoon just exploring the possibilities.

An often overlooked way for you to make instant changes without spending any money is to simply move your things around. You may be pleasantly surprised at how different your room will feel if you just change the layout of the furniture.

Finally, plants are a great way to make a room feel warmer and more lived-in. Just be sure that you pick plants that thrive without much sunlight.