Sunday, April 26, 2015

Kitchen Flooring Options: Tile, Wooden, Vinyl Flooring and More

Deciding on the best kitchen flooring is one of the most important home furnishing decisions you can make. You should put a great deal of thought into this part of the home when planning a quick kitchen remodeling project or just experimenting with new  floor design possibilities. The flooring you choose will be the centerpiece of the home. It can be loud or blend with the surroundings. It can also provide either a smooth or rough surface depending on your tastes. It is the foundation of the overall design of your kitchen, as it works to accentuate and enhance the general appeal of the space and your furnishings.
Here are the materials you can choose from for kitchen flooring ideas:
  • Vinyl or Linoleum – These materials are the easiest materials to maintain. Because of their slick surface, spills and dirt can simply be swiped clean. Linoleum and vinyl flooring also come in millions of designs and patterns to match your kitchen perfectly and very cheaply, too.
    The drawback to linoleum is that it is applied in either one or two pieces. That means that most of it has to be replaced when it gets damaged. They make more durable linoleum, but it can be quite costly.
  • Ceramic, Stone, or Marble Tiles – Tiles have enhanced a myriad of famous, historic infrastructures and ruins around the world and survived for hundreds of years as proof of durability. Tile today is created to accommodate a wide array of customer needs. It comes in a variety of sizes, colors, textures, and strengths. You can also purchase tiles that are made of a host of materials such as ceramic (which is the most common), stone, marble, and slate.Tile floors, be they for the kitchen or bathroom flooring, are an invaluable investment.
    However, tile installation is a tedious job and you don't want to have to change them every now and then. To avoid this problem you want to get a fairly durable tile. This may mean you will need to spend a little more money to have a kitchen floor that will last for years to come. 

  • Hardwood and Laminate – Oak, mahogany, and bamboo are some of the wood materials used in creating hardwood floors. They are environment-friendly, able to match most furniture designs, and are a top choice for the casual-modern look. Wooden flooring is also relatively easy to clean. Although quite costly, these  coverings are easy on the feet, long lasting, and very sturdy.
With so many good choices, some homeowners have a hard time deciding which material is right for their home. But there are factors that can help you make the right decision. Some cues you can use for easy selection are your kitchen's location, its size, and the feel you want to achieve. Here is what you need to consider:
  • Area – Your available living space is one factor that dictates what type of flooring you choose. If you have a small space to cover, linoleum may be the best material to use. However, you will want to plan on a more durable material for larger spaces.
  • Colors – Color is a key component in the flooring you will install. The dynamics of color come into play in maximizing and reducing spaces. Darker colors are meant to make a large space look smaller, giving an air of coziness. Light colors serve to create the illusion of a wider area in an otherwise cramped room. You may choose to combine these elements, creating more interest and invoking a playful atmosphere.
  • Cleanliness – Is it easy to clean? That is the question that every customer asks about flooring materials. Non-porous tile and linoleum are the easiest to clean. This type of flooring can be cleansed using a wide variety of products.
  • Money – Kitchen flooring can become quite costly depending on the materials used to do the job. And some homeowners must work within the constraints of a budget when replacing their floors. Vinyl is the least expensive of the materials. However, replacing cracked and peeling vinyl sheets and tiles can become quite costly. So going with a more durable material may be less expensive over time.
  • Durability – This is an important factor. By far the most durable material is ceramic tile. It can withstand a lot more abuse as well as total submersion in water. Vinyl is fairly durable, but will dry out and crack over time. And hardwood can be quite delicate. It is easily scratched and will buckle if it gets wet.
  • The more comfortable you are with your choice, the more your kitchen as a whole will exude a natural beauty that will never look outdated. However, considering the possibility of a change of mind in the future or a complete kitchen remodeling project, you may want to go for a flexible design that can easily follow suit.
    Nevertheless, with these kitchen-flooring ideas, you should know how to choose the perfect flooring for your home. Good luck!