Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How To Use Old Quilts for Decorating Inspiration

Quilts that were once utilitarian and made with scraps from old clothing have now been elevated to an art form.  Depending on the age and condition of your quilt you may want to display it in a number of colorful ways in your home.  With their meticulous workmanship and interesting color palettes, antique quilts make a beautiful focal point to any room.  They lend a sense of history to a room, and they come in all sizes and colors.  While some of the older quilts are very fragile you should take care to preserve them as you display them.  So be aware of the environment in which you are placing your quilt and take care to keep it out of the way of children, pets and bright sunlight. Here's how to use old quilts as decorations.

Step 1

Quilt Racks
A quilt rack is a beautiful way to display your heirloom quilt if you do not have small children or pets in the house.  Placing it out of heavy traffic areas or tucking it in the corner of a room allows the quilt to be enjoyed by everyone while still keeping it out of harm's way.  Any time an old quilt is draped in a display, it should be refolded every few months.  Of course your do not want to display your quilt in direct sunlight, but even ambient light will cause some slight fading.  By refolding your quilt periodically you allow the quilt to fade evenly, and you keep dust from settling into the fabric.  Refolding your quilt also prevents a permanent crease from forming in your quilt which may actually damage the fabric.  So by simply periodically rearranging your quilt you can enjoy it without any appreciable aging for many years to come.

Step 2

Wall Rods and Display Cases

Another great way to add drama to a room is to display your antique quilt on a hanging rod.  Charming and bold at the same time, hanging a quilt on the wall can help define the character of a room.  Typically to display a quilt on a rod you will want to sew a pocket along the back of the top edge of the quilt to run the rod through.  If you are not adept at sewing, hire a seamstress to do it for you. 
As a rule of thumb, you do not want to hang a quilt that is fragile or very old, because gravity will eventually cause the fabric to fail, and this will ruin your quilt.  The best way to display a fragile quilt is in a display case designed especially for displaying antique quilts without any damage to the fabric.  

Step 3

Draped on a Sofa
And finally one of the most common and beautiful ways to decorate with quilts is to simply fold it over the back of your couch.  Again, this option may not be the best choice if you have small children or pets, but displayed on the back of a sofa or couch an old quilt fills the room with its eclectic colors and patterns.  Its soft fabric is luxurious to touch, and once touched it all but invites you to snuggle.  Obviously displaying your old quilt on the back of your sofa will only work with quilts that are still viable, because it is only a tug away from joining someone for a quick, cat nap.